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May 1, 2020 – Issue 15

Dear members,

Today, on National Physicians’ Day, our profession finds itself in an exceptionally challenging time.

As COVID-19 has spread across Canada and around the world, it’s upended our work, our communities and our lives, and will no doubt have lasting impacts on our health care system, our practices and our profession.

At the same time, awareness of the critical importance of physicians and other health care professionals has risen to new heights. Canadians are depending on your commitment, expertise and judgement as never before, and you have been – and continue to be there for them every step of the way.

From all of us at the CMA, thank you for your extraordinary dedication and service to Canadians and the profession, in these extraordinary times.

Additional funding to support physicians

Responding to this pandemic has required an enormous effort from physicians, other health care providers and medical organizations, large and small.

To help further support physicians, the CMA is providing $4.6 million to our medical association partners through our affinity agreement with Scotiabank and MD Financial Management.

The funds will be distributed to 33 medical associations, including the provincial and territorial medical associations, national and provincial specialty societies and representative groups – who will support members in their respective areas to meet their most pressing needs. This may include introducing new physician health and wellness initiatives, sharing content on relevant clinical matters, developing protocols around COVID-19 and delivering online training modules, among other measures.

Recently published member resources

  • Managing your and your family’s well-being
    • Pediatrician and infectious disease expert Dr. Jared Bullard shares his advice for physicians on discussing COVID-19 with their children, to reduce their anxiety and keep them safe.
    • Dr. Ron Epstein — family physician, researcher and teacher of mindful practice in medicine — explains how physicians can use mindfulness to manage stress and build resilience during this pandemic.
  • Clinical resources
    • Our Joule librarians are compiling a list of current research summaries on COVID-19 from Wiley Publishing (published most weekends and select weekdays). CMA members can receive these briefs by email and earn CPD credits by subscribing to POEMs.
    • ​For a limited time, CMA members now have complimentary access to additional therapeutic content through the CPS online and RxTx app, the Canadian drug reference from the Canadian Pharmacists Association — including information on the management of COVID-19 symptoms.

On National Physicians’ Day, I’m proud to be part of a profession showing such a strong dedication to care, in a time of crisis. Thank you again for all that you do, today and throughout the year.

Dr. Sandy Buchman