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On September 23rd, 2020, the Governor General delivered the Speech from the Throne. This evening, the Prime Minister addressed Canadians about the path forward as we work to protect the health and safety of Canadians while building a stronger, more resilient Canada.

Protecting Canadians through a second wave:

  • As a country, we are at a crossroads.
  • In many provinces, the second wave of the pandemic is already underway – and it is looking much worse than the first.
  • We have the power to get this second wave under control, but we all have to do our parts.
  • Canadians need to know that they can rely on us, just as they can rely on each other.
  • Job one for us is to keep Canadians safe.
  • That’s why we’re chasing every lead on vaccines, on therapeutics, on personal protective equipment. And we’re helping the provinces and territories ramp up their capacity on testing.
  • Protecting your health is the best thing we can do for the economy.
  • We will keep investing and continue to have your backs, whatever it takes, to help you get through this crisis.



Building Back Better:

  • This pandemic has exposed fundamental inequalities in our society, and we have the opportunity to change that.
  • We must build a better society for all while at the same time making the economy better for all.
  • This pandemic has reminded us all that building strong, social supports is essential to growing the economy.
  • That’s why, among many other things, we will: ◦ end chronic homelessness;
    • establish new national standards for long-term care;
    • accelerate universal pharma care;
    • create a Canada-wide early learning and childcare system;
    • build more affordable housing;
    • and continue to fight climate change and invest in green technology.
  •  We will also make sure everyone can participate to their full potential, by continuing to make progress on reconciliation, fighting systemic racism, and protecting our two official languages – because our differences enrich us, whatever the colour of our skin, our culture, or our language.
  • Here in Canada, we are stronger together, and only together can we get through this crisis and build a stronger and more resilient country.