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  • Eligible organizations must attest to the following in order to receive financial support:
    • They are in need of funding to ensure a continuity of operations and to safeguard jobs
    • They remain in operation at the time of application and plan to continue contributing to their sector in the future
    • They are not receiving funding from multiple sources to cover the same costs (e.g. CERB, CEWS, CEBA, & CECRA)
    • Where relevant, funds will be used to support workers such as the self-employed and freelance workers, artists, and creators
  • The funds will be delivered in two phases through a streamlined process to ensure the rapid and consistent distribution of funds across all organizations
    • Phase 1 for funding recipients who are projecting a significant financial impact as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic includes:
      • A formula-based top-up to existing recipients of the following arts and culture programs: Canada Periodical Fund, Canada Book Fund, Canada Music Fund (via FACTOR and Musicaction), Canada Arts Training Fund, Canada Arts Presentation Fund, Harbourfront Centre Funding Program, and Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage Program
      • Funds to certain Sport Support Program and Athlete Assistance Program eligible recipients as well as formula-based top-ups to the bilateral sport agreements with provinces & territories. Emergency funding will also be available to the Aboriginal Sport Circle and the provincial & territorial Aboriginal Sport Bodies.
      • Support for the Digital Citizen Initiative’s Digital Citizen Contribution Program to help combat false and misleading COVID-19 information as well as the racism and stigmatization that often result.
    • Phase 2 to provide temporary support includes:
      • Funding for eligible organizations with heritage collections through the emergency component of the Museums Assistance Program
      • Funding for other organizations, which may include some that do not currently receive funding from Canadian Heritage, the Canada Council for the Arts, Telefilm Canada or the Canada Media Fund (e.g. non-recipient arts & culture organizations, small broadcasters, third-language producers, organizations in live music, local news organizations, magazines and community newspapers)
  • Funding includes:
    • $72M to the amateur sport sector
      • Support Support Program, including support for Indigenous Sport Bodies
      • Athlete Assistance Program
      • Via bilateral agreements with provinces & territories
    • $198.3M to the arts & culture sector
      • Canada Periodical Fund
      • Canada Book Fund
      • Canada Music Fund
      • Canada Arts Training Fund
      • Canada Arts Presentation Fund
      • Harbourfront Centre Funding Program
      • Building Communities through Arts & Heritage Program
    • $53M to the heritage sector via the emergency component of the Museums Assistance Program
    • $55M to the Canada Council for the Arts to help arts organizations that support artists
    • $115.8M to the audiovisual sector distributed by the Canada Media Fund ($88.8 million) and Telefilm Canada ($27 million)
    • $3.5M for the Digital Citizen Initiative to combat false and misleading COVID-19 information
  • Canadian Heritage will continue to disburse grants even if events/activities are cancelled & allow for use to cover eligible costs incurred
  • Measures will be in place to avoid any potential duplication of funding between the Department and organizations distributing funding

For more information, please visit the Canadian Heritage website at www.canada/ca/en/canadian-heritage.html

Lastly, I want you to know that my team and I are here to help you in any way we can. While our offices are closed, we can be reached as listed below.

This emergency situation is rapidly evolving, for the latest information on COVID-19 please go to

Best wishes,

Hon. Hedy Fry, P.C., M.P.
Vancouver Centre