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Supporting Canadians in long-term care during COVID-19

From day one of this pandemic, we’ve been focused on protecting the most vulnerable from COVID-19, including those living and working in long-term care facilities. That’s why from April to July 2020, we deployed the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) to support 54 affected long-term care facilities in Canada. In addition to these efforts, our government is committing:

  • $1 billion for a Safe Long-term Care Fund, to help provinces and territories protect people in long-term care and support infection prevention and control.
  • $6.4 million over two years, starting in 2020-21, to the Canadian Foundation for Health Improvement to expand its LTC+ initiative, which allows long-term care facilities and seniors residences to register via an online portal and submit a self-assessment.
  • $1 million to engage with third parties to help identify resources to conduct readiness assessments in long-term care facilities and facilitate training on infection prevention and control.
  • $2.4 million over three years to expand Health Canada’s capacity to support these new initiatives and undertake policy work related to commitments made in the Speech from the Throne.
    • Including establishing national standards for long-term care facilities


We will continue to stand up for seniors, and those living and working in long-term care. Together, we will protect all Canadians and their families and get through this crisis.