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Producing a vaccine:

Producing a vaccine is complex. It requires significant investments to ensure it can be produced on a large scale with good quality and consistency. Our investments in research will help make sure Canada has faster access to safe and effective vaccines.

Manufacturers manage the process for vaccine production.

Both private and large public investments from governments around the world are being put toward research and development of COVID-19 vaccines.

This partnership between private industry and the public can lead to more affordable and ground-breaking health products for Canada.

Securing enough vaccine:

On December 9, 2020, we authorized the first vaccine in Canada for the prevention of COVID-19. Find out about COVID-19 vaccines that are authorized in Canada.

We’re working to make sure everyone in Canada has access to these vaccines as quickly as possible. This includes working with provinces and territories, as they’re responsible for planning and running vaccination programs. The advance purchase agreements we’ve signed will help us reach this goal.

We’re investing in a large selection of vaccines and working hard to make sure vaccine doses are available as quickly as possible after authorization. But it will take time before there’s enough vaccine for everyone in Canada. This is why we’ve working on recommendations for priority populations for the first doses of the vaccines with the:

  • provinces and territories and
  • National Advisory Committee on Immunization

The Government of Canada will also provide additional support for:

  • securing storage facilities
  • getting supplies (like needles, swabs and gauze)
  • helping with distribution across the country

Groups that will get the vaccine first:

Priority for early COVID-19 vaccination will be given to the following populations:

  • residents and staff of shared living settings who provide care for seniors
  • adults 70 years of age and older, with order of priority:
    1. beginning with adults 80 years of age and older
    2. decreasing the age limit by 5-year increments to age 70 years as supply becomes available
  • health care workers who have direct contact with patients, including:
    • those who work in health care settings
    • personal support workers
  • adults in Indigenous communities

As additional COVID-19 vaccine(s) and supplies become available, the following populations should be offered vaccinations:

  • health care workers not included in the initial rollout.
  • residents and staff of all other shared living settings, such as:
    • homeless shelters
    • correctional facilities
    • housing for migrant workers
  • essential workers who face additional risks to maintain services for the functioning of society

Local vaccination rollout plans:

Provinces and territories have developed detailed vaccination rollout plans for their residents.