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Vancouver Centre Constituency Youth Council 2020-2021: An opportunity to have your voices heard on policy and issues facing Canada.

I am reaching out to you as your local Member of Parliament for Vancouver Centre, in hopes of encouraging more youth to get involved in our political process. The CYC program is important to me because it allows youth to bring a new perspective on policy and issues affecting our communities. I know that the CYC in Vancouver Centre will work hard to be the youth voice for our community, and I intend to bring this perspective with me, every time I return to Ottawa. With this said, following the many successful policy discussions and projects undertaken by past Constituency Youth Councils, I am happy to announce the CYC 2020-2021 applications are now open.

What is the Vancouver Centre Constituency Youth Council?

The Constituency Youth Council is an opportunity for youth to join a non-partisan advisory committee that will facilitate their engagement with Canada’s political processes, serve as a forum to discuss their viewpoints on issues, and most importantly, to get involved in their community.

When does the program take place?

The Vancouver Centre Constituency Youth Council meets from October 2020 to June 2021.

How you can apply!

To apply, applications must complete and submit an application form which is available here. The deadline to apply is September 30, 2020.

I look forward to hearing from youth in our community.

Best wishes,

Hon. Hedy Fry, P.C., MP
Vancouver Centre