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Last month, our Government announced a series of measures to help Canadians with disabilities navigate the effects of the outbreak, including a one-time, tax-free, non-reportable payment of $600 to assist with additional expenses incurred during the pandemic. Today, Minister Qualtrough announced that we intend to propose legislation that would make the benefit available to more people and expand the one-time payment to include approximately 1.7 million Canadians with disabilities.

  • We know this pandemic has deeply affected the lives and health of all Canadians, and disproportionately affected Canadians with disabilities.
  • From the beginning of this public health crisis, we have taken a disability inclusive approach to our emergency response to ensure our actions supported and empowered Canadians with disabilities.
  • That’s why we announced a one-time, tax-free payment of $600 to support Canadians with disabilities with extraordinary expenses incurred during the pandemic.
  • Today we are proposing legislation to make the benefit available to more people and expanding the payment to include 1.7 million Canadians with disabilities
  • Our government remains committed to a pandemic response and recovery that is disability inclusive and thanks the members of the COVID-19 Disability Advisory Group for their tireless work and valued input over the past few months.
  • We all benefit when everyone can participate equally in our economy, and society.