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  • While we continue to fight COVID-19, we are committed to fighting the other looming threat that is climate change and to build a net-zero economy by 2050
  • The Strategic Assessment of Climate Change will provide clarity to project proponents on the information they will need to provide on greenhouse gas emissions and their project’s resilience to climate change, as they undergo a federal impact assessment.
  • The Strategic Assessment of Climate Change will also require projects that have a lifespan beyond 2050 to put forward a credible plan to get their operations to net zero by 2050.
  • Industry wants certainty in terms of information required to help in their planning and investments. We’ve heard this, and we agree.
  • The Strategic Assessment on Climate Change will ensure climate change is considered, up-front and consistently, in all federal reviews.

For more information on which projects the Strategic Assessment of Climate Change applies to, please see here: